Florent Pagny, 21 March 2026
![Gig of Florent Pagny Mar 21, 2026 in Décines-Charpieu
Gig of Florent Pagny Mar 21, 2026 in Décines-Charpieu](/media/private/cache/4a/d1/4ad1fd26546b87981e77b8f1cbd862a1.jpg)
About concert Florent Pagny in Décines-Charpieu
The concert of Florent Pagny will take place on March 21, 2026 at LDLC ARENA LYON DECINES.
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About Florent Pagny
Florent Pagny (born 6 November 1961) is a French singer-songwriter, musician and actor. He records his work in French, as well as in Italian, Spanish and English. His greatest hits include "N'importe quoi", "Savoir aimer" and "Ma Liberté de penser"—all three were number one in France. As of 2018, he has sold more than 6 million singles and 10 million albums, becoming the 17th best-selling artist of all time in France.