Concerts and tour dates of Riser
About Riser
Kiired ja karvased – see on Riser, vanakooli thrashi ja heavy metalit viljelev bänd, mis tegutseb alates 2015. aasta suvest. Lood on kergelt progelikus võtmes ning kui hästi otsida avastab loomingust ka mõne hard rock stiilis loo. Valdavalt toodavad poisid oma muusikat, kuid leiab ka paar must-have cover’it nende repertuaarist.
Tänaseks on Riser salvestanud 2 demo ning aasta lõpupoole võib juba oodata EP albumit.
Laivid on alati võimsad täis kiireid riffe, jõulist trummimängu ja mahedalt karvast vokaali. Tõsistele thrashi ja heavy metali austajatele, kel põues põleb igatsus karge ja karvase muusika järele on kontserdilt kange kael ja kähe hääl garanteeritud.
Esinemispakkumistele oleme julgelt avatud! Võta ühendust ning kütame need lavalauad kuumaks!
Fast and hairy – this is Riser, an old school thrash and heavy metal band, active since summer of 2015. The sounds have a bit of a mixture of thrash and heavy with a little twist of progressive rock. If searched well one may even find a couple of hard rock songs. Mostly the guys play their own music, but they also have a couple of must have covers in their repertoire.
By today, Riser has recorded 2 demos and by the end of the year band expects to release an EP album.
Lives are always powerful filled with fast riffs, hard-hitting drum play and a mellow blend of hairy vocals. For a real thrash and heavy metal admirer, with a burning desire for a crisp and hairy music, a concert will guarantee you a stiff neck and a sore throat.
We are open to any offers considering performance! Give us a call and let’s charge up the stage!