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Bloody Tyrant

Bloody Tyrant
Bloody Tyrant

Concerts and tour dates of Bloody Tyrant

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About Bloody Tyrant

Bloody Tyrant is a Taiwanese Folk Black Metal band, from the countryside of Nantou County, formed in the end of 2009.
Soon after the formation, the band started working on their 1st album Dawn of Doomsday. From the view of humanity, religion and history, this album shows the concept of anti-autocracy, songs are mostly melodic and technical with aggressive arrangement. The 1st album has been released in the April of 2011, followed their first tour in Taiwan with Korean band Seed and other Taiwanese bands. July, 2011, Bloody Tyrant was invited to join the Extreme Camp Festival in Korea, and then held their 2nd tour in Taiwan.

The band has released 5 studio albums​​​:
  • 末日黎明 (Dawn of Doomsday) (2011)
  • 水沙漣傳奇 (The Legacy of Sun-Moon Lake) (2015)
  • 孤鷹行 (Solitary Eagle) (2017)
  • 葉隱 (Hagakure) (2018)
  • 島嶼神話 (Myths of the Islands) (2020)
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【Bloody Tyrant】10 Years Anniversary European Tour Documentary Final Episode《暴君十週年歐洲巡演紀錄片》最終回
Bloody Tyrant 暴君 - Whale 鯨魚 (Music Video)
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