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Catfish and The Bottlemen

on tour
Catfish and The Bottlemen
on tour
Catfish and The Bottlemen

​Catfish and The Bottlemen tour dates: 23 concerts in 4 countries

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About Catfish and The Bottlemen

Catfish and the Bottlemen are a British rock band, formed in Llandudno, Wales in 2007. Their debut album, The Balcony, reached number 10 in the UK Albums Chart and achieved Platinum status on 30 December 2016. The band have toured in South America, Japan, UK, Europe, North America, and Australia and have featured in a number of festivals including Lollapalooza, Glastonbury, Latitude, Community festival, Reading and Leeds, T in the Park, Governors Ball and Bonnaroo. They won a Brit Award for British Breakthrough act on 24 February 2016. On 27 May 2016, they released their second album, The Ride.

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