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Ossuary Anex

Ossuary Anex
Ossuary Anex

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About Ossuary Anex

Ossuary Anex is a brutal death Metal act originating from Ufa, Bashkortostan. The band was formed in 2008 by Max (Guitar). The line-up was completed in the following couple of years with the coming of drummer Sergey, vocalist Chris and bass-player Semen. As a result, the debut CD "Awakening" was released in 2012 on SoulFlesh Collector Records, demonstrating a primitive brutal death with slamming elements. Following the first release, Ossuary Anex performed several times in gigs and metal-fests. Ossuary Anex is currently working on a second album.

The band has released 3 studio albums​:
  • Awakening (2012)
  • Mutilation Through Prayer ‎ (2016)
  • Obscurantism Apogee (2020)