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Skull Koraptor

Skull Koraptor
Skull Koraptor

Concerts and tour dates of Skull Koraptor

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About Skull Koraptor

Skull Koraptor is a Thrash Metal band from Athens,Greece. Formed in the end of 2011 by Nikola Prifti (Lead Guitar) & Alex Bulai (ex-Bass Guitar). In 2013 with their standard line up John Savoglou (Vocals & Rhythm Guitar) and Teo Stamatiadis (Drums), they released their first EP "Dead Ahead" on May of 2014. Now they are in progress for their full length album. In September of 2015 Teo announced that he'll leave the band for personal reasons and George Marge, the new drummer, joined the band! First album "Chaos Station" was released at January 2020th.

The band has released 1 studio album​:
  • Chaos Station (2020)