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Elephant Gym

Elephant Gym
Elephant Gym

Concerts and tour dates of Elephant Gym

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fri 11 Apr
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sat 19 Apr
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mon 09 Jun
Mon  19:00
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About Elephant Gym

Elephant Gym (Chinese: 大象體操) is a math rock band from Kaohsiung, Taiwan, founded in February 2012. The group consists of siblings KT Chang (bass) and Tell Chang (guitar), and drummer Chia-Chin Tu. The word "elephant" in the band name symbolizes their bass-driven melodies, and "gym" refers to their agile and irregular rhythms.

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大象體操ElephantGym _ 銀河GALAXY【Official Music Video】
大象體操ElephantGym _ 水底Underwater【Official Music Video】
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