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About concert "Шоукейс фестиваля «БОЛЬ»" in Moscow

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About "Жертвоприношения"

Sacrifices began in St Petersburg, Russia, at the end of 2012. Initially they were titled Linga Sharira – it was a duo of Denis Sorokin (..dno<, Undeon, Napal Ded! etc.) and Nikolay Mayevsky (SYNTAX Ensemble etc.) playing improvised drone on modified bass guitars. Later they were joined by Max Evstropov (Sect of Phoenix, Studio of Unconscious Music etc.) with voice, text, and electronics.

Since then Sacrifices became quite heartrending: 9 of 10 on the scale of gloom, only the real itself is a bit gloomier.

From one hand, Sacrifices are oriented towards electroacoustic improvised music, from another, they work with atavistic song structures, and thus cultivate unprecedented hybrid of noise, eai, and drone doom. Sound performances of Sacrifices reproduce a special miserable world – a theater of decomposition, a carnival of atavisms – of all that can still move in ashes of total pyre.

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