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​"Кувалда" tour dates: 1 concert in Russia

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About "Кувалда"

Кувалда (means "sledge hammer", pronounced "coo-wal-duh") is a death metal and crossover thrash band from Spas-Klepiki, Ryazan, Russia. It was founded in 1999 by guitarist Alexander Rudakov and vocalist Sergey Liubavin.

They had a short-term popularity in Russia because Russian MTV channel played their debut music video for the song Бетономешалка (means "concrete mixer", pronounced "be-to-no-me-shal-ka"). It is a song about an alcoholic worker, who got so drunk that he fell asleep in a concrete mixer and was accidentally eaten by his fellow workers. Their humorous imagery and extensive use of violent references have gained them some fame at the time.

Their subsequent videos and singles weren't as successful, and the band gradually faded into oblivion. It is widely regarded that they're still active and performing.

The band has released 4 studio albums​:
  • Деликатесы (2001)
  • Спаси и сохрани (2004)
  • Армия Тьмы (2019)
  • Парад Нечистой Силы (2022)
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