Concerts and tour dates of Meressin
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About Meressin
The group MERESSIN was organized in 1993 by 2 brothers: Zhydrius "Hidra"(voc./l.guitar) and Darius "Zhaltys"(bass guitar). Before the brothers decided to organize the group MERESSIN, they played hard rock and heavy metal. As the members of MERESSIN had been interested in old wave black metal before, they decided to keep the old black like the foundation of their music.
The current group style can be described as "War Metal", lyrics - themes of war, image of old gods and warriors, all lyric created out in an authentic Samogitians language.
The band has released 4 studio albums:
- The Baphomet's Call (1996)
- Mask (1998)
- Alkis (2000)
- Tik kars īr teisībi (2014)
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