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Udo ChaveZZZ

Udo ChaveZZZ
Udo ChaveZZZ

Concerts and tour dates of Udo ChaveZZZ

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sun 14 Jul
Sun  19:00
Upon A Burning Body
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About Udo ChaveZZZ

Udo ChaveZZZ are a Russian band that plays in the genres of thrash metal and groove metal​.
The band has released 4 studio albums​:
  • Кидалово и подлость (2014)
  • Кидалово и подлость (2014)
  • Резервация (2019)
  • Резервация (2019)
and also 2 EPs:
  • EP свой офис! (2020)
  • EP свой офис! (2020)

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