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Storm Upon The Masses

Storm Upon The Masses
Storm Upon The Masses

Concerts and tour dates of Storm Upon The Masses

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sun 02 Jun
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About Storm Upon The Masses

When brutality meets supremacy, STORM UPON THE MASSES is born on the battlefield which is called death metal. The way it was meant to be played. Furious, brutal and, above all, extreme. When Brecht (vocals) Jurgen (guitar), Wim (guitar), Kris (bass), who all played in HORDES OF DEVASTATION, joined Bart (drums) from ILL FARES THE LAND, a new extreme deathmetal monster was created. Influenced by ultrabrutal metalgods as Krisiun, Nephasth, Suffocation, Vital Remains and Deicide, Storm Upon The Masses hails the same deathmetal supremacy which has conquered the metalscene decades ago. 2009 will mark the year of a new wind in Belgian Deathmetal: STORM will come…

The band has released 2 studio albums​:
  • The Ones Who Came Back (2018)
  • Crusher of Souls (2024)