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Banane Metalik

Banane Metalik
Banane Metalik

Concerts and tour dates of Banane Metalik

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Wed  18:00
The Reverend Horton Heat
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About Banane Metalik

Banane Metalik are a French Psychobilly band. They are from Rennes (in the north west of France).The band started in 1993 and was rumoured to have disbanded in 1997, but have recently re-emerged. The band originally only made one full album, Requiem de la Deprivation, but have recently released Sex, Blood and Gore 'n' Roll in 2005, and Nice to Meat You in 2008. They played on the famous Monsters of Psychobilly in Tilburg in 1994 as an opening act. Loads of people on stage and a lot of gore, masks, and blood. They sang most of their songs in French, so it's difficult to sing along with the songs on their album, but if you like psychobilly with metal influences, and horror themes, this is definitely a band for you!

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