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Rapheumet's Well

Rapheumet's Well
Rapheumet's Well

Concerts and tour dates of Rapheumet's Well

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thu 16 May
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tue 21 May
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tue 09 Jul
Tue  19:00
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sat 07 Dec
Sat  18:00
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About Rapheumet's Well

Rapheumet's Well was formed in Hickory N.C. Formerly known as Blue Man's God, Rapheumet's well experimented with many variations and genre's of music including classical, ambience, (and of course) metal. Rapheumet's Well was created in March of 2008. The first demo was completed on june 11th, 2012. Rapheumet's Well members composed and produced the 2012 demo. The first full-length, final-production album was released on October 31st, 2014, and is entitled, "Dimensions". The album was recorded by the band members, mixed and mastered by the drummer Josh Ward (Nasaru) with a dab of preferential input from the other members. The album features 10 songs which (from first song to last song) progressively tells its own section of a larger story portrayed in the style of an epic. Future albums will continue this story, some in prequel and some in sequel to the album "Dimensions".

The band has released 3 studio albums​:
  • Dimensions (2014)
  • The Exile (2016)
  • Enders Door (2017)